Dear Montreal, Let’s Talk.

Dear Montreal,

I think it’s time we had a chat. After spending a full year in your company, I feel like we don’t really know each other. But, that’s not your fault. Trust me, it’s not you, it’s me. You see, when we first met, I was fresh off an exciting gap year that took me around the world. I met an eccentric cast of characters, ate sooo much food, and followed my own schedule, my own rules. When I came to you for my first year of university, the latter part of what my gap year so great was no longer an option, with classes and library sessions filling my calendar. For that reason, I stopped exploring altogether. I thought that if I couldn’t have every minute of everyday to myself, then I wasn’t going to half-ass it and spend only some time “doing me.” Classic “all-or-nothing” Sharan. Now that I’m back in your frosty, French-speaking cocoon for another year of school, I’ve decided that we need to become closer. I need to see more of what you have to offer because life is about balance. I need to balance my school life with my own personal adventures. It doesn’t have to be one or the other. It can be both. I’ve been trying to live this philosophy for the past month and I think I’ve been doing an alright job. I actually never went to the ferris wheel in this picture before this month! I hope you see that I’m trying to live a more-balanced life and hopefully now when people back home ask me what Montreal is like I’ll be able to say something more elaborate than just “cold” because I know you have plenty more in store for me. 


A Second-Year Uni Student Ready to Get Out of her Comfort Zone

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