Five Things I’m Looking Forward to About Spring

Sometimes I think bloggers could double as meteorologists. I mean how many blog posts or Instagram captions have you read that mention the weather and how its either so perfect for the outfit in your picture or not perfect at all, so the pic is a throwback to “better times”? I for one see posts like these almost everyday, but that’s not going to stop me from doing the exact same thing in this post.

After countless false starts, I think spring might finally be here. Next week’s forecast shows consistent temperatures in the late 30s and 40s degrees Fahrenheit and I couldn’t be happier. Winter in Canada has been brutal and spring is always my favorite season (the air just feels so fresh!), so as you can expect I’m buzzing. Here are five things I am most excited about for the best season of the year:

TV Shows– Embarrassing confession time: I love trashy reality TV. I’m not talking Duck Dynasty, Here Comes Honey Boo Boo, or anything like that, but more of the Bravo variety. And by that I mean I love any and every Real Housewife, especially those from New York City. I was in fifth grade when that series first aired and I have been watching ever since (I bet you’re seriously questioning my childhood right now). Next Wednesday, the 10th season of this show is premiering and I can already feel my life gaining new meaning from seeing Bethenny, Ramona, Sonja, and Luann back on the small screen!

The Royal Wedding– This one probably sounds extremely random, but I still remember when Will and Kate got married! I was in the eighth grade and every TV in my hall was turned on during breaks so that us students could watch! And yes, this was at an American middle school! I guess seeing two people live out a fairy tale has universal appeal! Plus, for fashion-obsessed people like me, I need to see what Meghan will be wearing!

Ditching my parka and boots– This is a no-brainer. After five straight months in my ridiculously heavy Canada Goose Jacket and my clunky Bean Boots, I am ready to shed those extra layers. I love spring more than summer because you can still wear lighter jackets, and well, if this pictures on this blog haven’t tipped you off already, I love myself a good jacket (like the one I’m wearing in the photos below).

Getting Back into Fitness– This isn’t something I always associate with spring, but this year it is going to be! I really got off the health and fitness bandwagon this winter, feeling so much more content to stay at home, never workout (not even on my beloved pilates reformer), and order Dominos. I was extremely physically active and eating really healthy about two years ago and I want to get back to that point (because nothing is worse than your jeans barely buttoning)!

End of the School Year– This one is coming quicker than I ever could’ve imagined! I officially have less than a month until I finish my first year of university. I honestly don’t know how this came so quickly, but as I’ve gotten older, I find everything moves so much more quickly. To be honest, this year was a bit underwhelming, but I know next year is going to be even better (because of a new apartment and more interesting classes), so I’m just happy to be able to close the book on this chapter of uni.

Who else is ready for the beauty of spring? Let me know what you’re excited about in the comments!

Photos by @ingridgoesto

What I’m Wearing: Jacket // Tee Shirt // Skirt // Sneakers



  1. March 27, 2018 / 10:23 am

    I’m totally with you on loving Real Housewives- I’m obsessed!

    Le Stylo Rouge

    • March 27, 2018 / 2:21 pm

      Haha, glad to know I’m not the only one. Have a great day, Ashley! Xx

  2. March 28, 2018 / 4:38 pm

    I love this outfit! The stripes down the skirt matching your jacket is just perfect. I’m also ready for spring, but that’s not really a season where I live so I kind of just have to wait for summer more like.

    Shann Eileen |

    • April 5, 2018 / 9:54 pm

      Thanks, Shann! I’m also ready for summer, whenever that is going to come this year lol!

  3. March 29, 2018 / 2:10 pm

    I have to agree with you on every single one of those points you made! Especially the Real Housewives of New York and the Royal Marriage. (It’s nice to know someone else is looking forward to the long awaited English ceremony ;))

    • April 5, 2018 / 9:56 pm

      YES, there are more royal lovers like me! I’m still convinced my invitation has been lost in the mail haha!

    • April 12, 2018 / 8:47 am

      Haha, glad I’m not the only one! Thanks for reading, Sabiha Xx

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