My Top Tips for Traveling Solo

Last month I took an amazing week-long trip to London! It was my first time there and I made sure to see all the sights: the Big Ben (which was covered in scaffolding… so I don’t know if I can say I saw it), a West End theatre show (Harry Potter and the Cursed Child, a must-see for all you Potterheads out there), Buckingham Palace (If I’m go be honest, it’s not as magnificent as Spanish or French palaces), and even Stonehege, the Roman city of Bath, and Windsor Castle (including the chapel where Prince Harry and Meghan Markle are getting married).

The list of what I did and saw in London could go on and on, but rather than make a London travel guide (which I might do in the future once I’ve traveled there more), I thought I’d share my tips for traveling solo. Yes, I embarked on my vacation to London with me, myself, and I. And it wasn’t the first time I’ve done this. Throughout my gap year last year I embarked on countless weekend trips around Europe by myself so I know how to be efficient, safe, AND have fun while roaming the world alone. Here’s how I do it!

Schedule a Photo Shoot with a Local Photographer

The photos in this post were actually taken during my trip by a London-based photographer I found on Instagram. I wanted some really high quality images of me for my blog, but since I didn’t have anyone with me to take an iPhone picture, let alone blog photos, I knew I had to reach out to someone else. If you can’t find someone on Instagram like I did, there are lots of websites, like Airbnb, that advertise photo shoots and “photo walks.” She got some really “iconic” London photos of me (think red telephone booths, double-decker buses, London Eye, Piccadilly Circus, etc.) and I am so happy that I have these photographs not just for my blog, but for my life. They have made for such a beautiful souvenir and my family loved seeing them too! Plus, I did my shoot at 8am on a Sunday and it was AMAZING to see really busy areas before all the other tourists got there!

Research Restaurant Ambiance

Eating alone at a restaurant is something that many people are self-conscious about. I for one do it ALL THE TIME. I love a good meal and if I’m out and about, either traveling abroad or running errands at home, I’m not going to let my solo status deter me from enjoying an amazing entrée, great service, and, most likely, a decadent dessert. The only time I’ve felt a little awkward doing this is when the restaurant is a bit more of a bar/lounge/nightlife space. I always prefer sitting at a table and having attentive service, so in addition to looking at a restaurant’s menu, I’ve found it’s just as important to note the atmosphere of a restaurant. And if you’re the opposite of me and DO want a little nightlife in your dining experience, still do the extra planning to find a place you’ll actually enjoy eating at alone.

Know your Routes

I am an extremely meticulous planner when it comes to travel. I book museum tickets, reserve lunches, pick outfits, and do some much more to make sure that when I get to my destination, I am not bored or confused. Now, I don’t recommend that everyone do this (because most people aren’t as rigid as me), but I do suggest planning your transport the night before or the morning of a day of exploration. This might be something that just I have to do since I’ve never traveled with data on my phone, but there’s nothing worse than getting lost in the middle of the day and being nowhere near free wifi so you can check Google Maps. I get around this by writing down subway routes, taking screenshots of Google Map directions, and preloading my travel route on Google Maps and not closing the app. I’m sure there are others out there who don’t use data when they travel, so that’s why I thought I should include this tip!

Have the Right Bag and Wear Layers

So this is a practical “why are you even bothering to say this as if we don’t already know?” tip. But having a bag that is big enough to hold essentials, but not so big it’s half empty and annoying you, is important. Plus, make sure your bag easy to hold. For example, a long day trip in a new city might not be the best time to use a Cult Gaia ark bag. Personally, when I think crossbody bags are the easiest to hold. I love the one I’m wearing in these pictures because it also has a top handle! Similar to carrying a practical bag, I’m just going to put out there that you should wear layers. As a New Englander, I am well-versed in the unpredictability of weather, so bring something light that you easily slip on and off. I think these two tips are especially important when traveling alone because you won’t have anyone to hold stuff for you or to lend you a jacket. You’re doing it alone, but you don’t need to suffer!

Bring Headphones

While writing this post, I read some other people’s solo travel tips and one list mentioned that you shouldn’t wear headphones because “it’s flashing your wealth.” I don’t entirely agree with this, because headphones are pretty standard, especially in a city like London. So you won’t be flashing anything, but more just blending in with everyone else. I’ve actually been taken for a local and asked for directions in most cities I’ve visited, and I think it’s because the headphones and my calm demeanor make me seem like a typical resident or commuter. Things like headphones or reading on the train help create that image, plus they make journeys less boring. Some warnings though! Don’t get so into your own music (or reading or whatever else) that you forget to take in the sights around you or forget where you’re going. Plus, be safe! Don’t shove headphones in your ears and walk around in an unfamiliar and dodgy place at 2am. Always use your best judgment.

Have you guys ever traveled alone before? How was it? Do you have any of your own tips? Let me know in the comments below!

Photos by @_always_more (she is amazing and made me feel so confident!)

What I’m Wearing: Jacket // Sweater // Jeans // Sneakers // Bag



    • April 12, 2018 / 8:46 am

      Thank you, Chloe Xx

    • April 12, 2018 / 8:47 am

      Oooh, glad you liked, Maria! Thanks for reading Xx

    • April 12, 2018 / 8:47 am

      Thank you so much, Gemma Xx

  1. April 13, 2018 / 9:47 am

    I’ve never been brave enough to try solo traveling, but great tips girly! Also, love the fun bright colors of your outfit!

    -Emily |

    • April 23, 2018 / 5:54 pm

      Thanks for reading, Emily! You for sure have to do a solo trip at least one! xoxo

  2. April 13, 2018 / 4:34 pm

    Hiring a professional photographer was a great idea, they have captured your trip to London beautifully and you look like you had a wonderful time.

    London is my home town, yet I still find myself exploring it lots.

    Glad you enjoyed and useful tips.

    Laura xo

    • April 23, 2018 / 5:54 pm

      Thank you so much, Laura! Xx

    • April 23, 2018 / 5:56 pm

      Thanks for reading, Katya Xx

    • April 23, 2018 / 5:56 pm

      Thanks for reading! Solo travelling is definitely not for everyone. It can be a bit lonely, so I like to balance it out with trips with other people Xx

  3. April 15, 2018 / 3:20 pm

    These are great tips Sharan and I can see your confidence shining through the photos! I adore London and it was so nice to see it through your perspective 🙂

    • April 23, 2018 / 5:57 pm

      Aww, thank you for such a sweet comment, Isabella Xx

  4. Gabrielle
    April 15, 2018 / 5:31 pm

    These are such perfect, professional and dramatic photos – you look fabulous! Love your suggestion of hiring a local photography when traveling solo; also a fun opportunity to meet someone new while travelling 🙂 x

    • April 23, 2018 / 5:58 pm

      Thanks, Gabrielle! And you’re so right! My photographer gave me a few restaurant recommendations and even checked in mid-trip to ask if I was having a good time. So sweet of her Xx

  5. April 16, 2018 / 4:47 am

    london probably is my favourite city in the world. i’m going again in two weeks and have already scheduled with a photographer. comfy shoes are a must for london.

    • April 23, 2018 / 6:00 pm

      Yes, London is EVERYTHING! It was my first time there and I fell in love. Have an amazing trip, Elena Xx

  6. Jade Goddard
    April 25, 2018 / 11:11 am

    amszing blog post

    • May 4, 2018 / 7:52 pm

      Thanks, Jade!

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